Value-Driven Business Reporting

Business Intelligence (BI), has been corporate center stage for a while now, but experience tells us that creating a new report for a business and getting it right can be immensely challenging, time consuming, and frustrating.

More often than not, those asking for a new report don’t fully understand what they want, or why they want it, or exactly what to ask for, and those providing the report don’t understand much more. The result can be a number of painful iterations, and significant wasted time and effort. In most IT departments, this type of waste is expensive, in both opportunity cost and monetary cost. What are some keys that can help us collaborate efficiently to get the outcome we need without all the hassle?

The first question to ask when designing a new report, or sprucing up an existing one, is: What action should this report trigger? When a user views the report, what decision(s) are they looking to make? This is another way of stating the business requirement enabled by the report. What does a user want to do as a result of looking at it? This is, by definition, the purpose of the report. Until this is clear, the need is suspect; answer this question before proceeding with any design.

And if we understand what a business requirement is, then we also realize that every well-defined business requirement drives a valuable business behavior, measured by a business metric. This gives the What of our report the needed Why, providing a sense of the business value potential inherent in the report.

Once the purpose and value of the report are clearly understood, the next question to ask is: What data is both necessary and sufficient to inform the user to take this action? The user needs information to act on, not too much and not too little, so determine what this specific information is, what the user needs to know to accomplish their purpose, and how the user is going to interpret this data.

Next, we must source the data, and synchronize it with the user’s purpose. Locate or envision the data store, determine who should be responsible to maintain this data and technical infrastructure, and specify when the data is needed and how often it must be refreshed, so that we understand supporting system requirements to keep the input data up-to-date and accurate. We may determine from this research that the data is not available in any of our systems, that it will be difficult to acquire and maintain, and/or that the user will need to interact with the report to supply additional tribal or business knowledge to get the desired outcome. We may also find that the data is sensitive or crucial to our business, such that special permissions are needed to see or edit it, which implies more difficulty and cost to develop and manage the report.

The next step is to determine how best to present the required information so that the report enables the user to understand what needs to be done with the least possible effort in the shortest amount of time. This typically involves minimizing the number of screens the user needs to view, the amount of scrolling needed, and the number of mouse clicks required to obtain and correctly interpret the relevant information. This usually means maximizing the use of screen real estate by compacting column headers, smart filtering, and eliminating unnecessary detail. Using colors, graphs and pictures to draw the eye of the user to essential details is often a must, and it’s smart to assume the user understands the report and how to use it, rather than designing for a first-time experience, since this will most often be the case and allows for much more efficiency and elegance in the report layout.

With a concept for the report layout and content in mind, it’s time to create a quick and dirty mock up for the users so they can make tweaks and corrections before investing in the final product. There’s nothing like seeing to put things in perspective, especially for those of us with a more visually-oriented learning style.

Finally, now that we understand the data sourcing and reporting requirements, we begin to understand the cost of the creating and maintaining the report, which ought to be justified by the report’s value. So here is where we get ask and answer the key fiscal question: Is the value we expect from using this report worth the cost we expect in developing and maintaining it?

If the expected cost of the report is warranted by the expected value, if the payoff appears to be worth the investment in time and company resources, then it’s time to get to work and build it, working closely with the user community to ensure that the report provides optimal value for our business.

And, last but not least, be sure to document how to use the report and the justification for its design, why the report is built the way it is. This helps train new users, keeps the report’s purpose and value in view, and prevents recycling through bad designs as new people inherit and begin using the report. Provide this documentation on line through a Help button built into the report, so that this information is always readily accessible to everyone with access to the report.

Good reporting design and infrastructure makes life easier for everyone, and can bring immense, ongoing value to our business. So let’s be smart about it, and do it right.